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  • Mentale Gesundheit in Organisationen | skyminds

    Mental gesund bleiben in Ausnahmesituationen und bei Extrembelastung. Wir unterstützen Organisationen. ​ We are committed to the democratization of mental health - for strong individual and societal health. Everyone should have the chance to learn how to stay mentally healthy: Come what may. ​ ​ Navigating complexity, making decisions under pressure and uncertainty, resolving conflicts and shaping social relationships constructively - mental stability and mental resilience decide how skillfully we master the challenges in a world that is changing ever faster. Kontakt

  • Über uns | skyminds

    About Us With a wide variety of professions, experiences and expertise - medicine, psychology, technology, business - we believe in the human ability to grow, develop and transform on the basis of value-oriented action. The quality of our life and work is the quality of our mental health. ​ We want everyone to have the chance to learn how to stay mentally healthy. Regardless of external circumstances. Extreme stress and critical events can rarely be prevented, unlike their consequences. Knowing what to do in case of emergency can prevent or reduce stress and trauma disorders. Contact

  • Ambulanz | skyminds

    > KONTAKT skyminds AMBULANZ Psychological First Aid is the first respondse and support for psychological injuries and helps to stay psychologically (= mentally, spiritually) healthy after stressful experiences. Similar to physical injuries, the first response decides on the consequences and chances of recovery in the case of psychological injuries. ​ Psychological First Aid can prevent or reduce stress and trauma disorders such as mental illnesses and disorders, including depression, alcohol addiction, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders, as well as social and professional consequences of exceptional situations. . The skyminds AMBULANZ team works on the basis of the CISM model. Critical Incident Stress Management is an internationally recognized method for the prevention of stress and trauma disorders, which is requested by the United Nations if necessary. ​ In addition to the advice offered by skyminds AMBULANZ, skyminds trains first aiders in companies and organizations. ​ ​ >>> Psychological First Aid Audio (4:30) ​ >> Audios: Was ist Psychologische Erste Hilfe? dt/engl „Wer weiß, wie er sich ich in Ausnahmesituationen richtig verhält, bleibt mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit stabil und gesund. Unser Training wird durchgeführt von Dozenten ausgebildet im international anerkannten Critical Incident Stress Managements (CISM®), und vermittelt auf Basis des skyminds Modells® das Handwerkszeug zu Psychologischer Erster Hilfe strukturiert und wissenschaftlich fundiert. Das praxisnahe Training für Prävention und Intervention stärkt und schützt die mentale Gesundheit und Resilienz jedes Teilnehmenden, auch im Einsatz als Psychologische Ersthelfende.“ Ambulanz Kontakt How to reach skyminds AMBULANZ: Before any cooperation, we will discuss your ideas, needs and expectations in person. Would you like to make an appointment for an initial consultation - or do you have any questions in advance? Write to ambulanz (at) or Give us a call. ​

  • Mitglieder Login | skyminds

    Bitte geben Sie hier Ihre Zugangsdaten für das skyminds Mitglieder Portal ein. Sofern Ihre Organisation/Ihr Unternehmen eine Mitgliedschaft mit skyminds e.V. vereinbart hat, haben Sie Ihre Zugangsdaten intern erhalten. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren internen Ansprechpartner. Bei Fragen sind wir für Sie da! BENUTZERNAME Senden Vielen Dank für das Einreichen!

  • courses | skyminds

    skyminds KURSE Hier finden Sie unser offenes Kursangebot, zu dem Sie sich gerne auch organisationsunabhängig anmelden können. Kurse & Trainings für Organisationen planen wir für Sie in individueller Absprache. ​ For courses and trainings in english, spanish or french please contact us. Course dates on request Psychological First Responder Certified Training Registration Termin auf Anfrage Refresher - SAT für Mitglieder*innen der skyminds Special Assistance Teams. Termine & Anmeldung Berlin - Ersthelfer Ausbildung Psychologische Erste Hilfe Selbstschutz & Fremdhilfe Termine & Anmeldung 24.,25.4.2024 Frankfurt/Main Lufthansa Conference Center Seeheim Psychologische Erste Hilfe Ersthelfer Ausbildung Anmeldung Termine auf Anfrage be prepared Einsatzvorsorge Rapid Response Training für aktive Ersthelfer Termine & Anmeldung Registration Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Sie haben gefunden, was Sie suchen? Sie haben Fragen oder suchen ein anderes Angebot? Schreiben Sie uns am besten e ine Email, gerne mit ihren bevorzugten Zeiten, wenn Sie einen Rückruf wünschen. ​

  • #ICE Emergency | skyminds

    #ICE In Case of Emergency If you need help with a mental health crisis or an emergency, you should seek professional advice immediately. ​ It is important to know that support is available. Mental Emergencies Are Serious - And You Are Not Alone! ​ You can reach people who are there for you at the following addresses. If in doubt, do not hesitate to get in touch. Even if someone in your team or in your private environment is in a serious psychological situation. ​ ​ In Germany: Ambulance service, emergency doctor 112 Psychiatric on-call service 116 117 telephone counseling 0800 1110111 and 0800 1110222 via chat and emailhere Psychosocial emergency help numbers in Berlinhere Help for young people crisis chat 24/7here ​ ​ skyminds - protect & strengthen mental health

  • Imprint | skyminds

    imprint According to § 5 TMG skyminds eV Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte Greifswalder Strasse 4 10405 Berlin Contact: Telephone: +49 (0)30 20003671 Email: Executive Board: Carlos Wiedeman Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Carlos Wiedeman Register entry: Entry at the Berlin Register Court Registration number: VR 39632 B 1 Tax number: 27/677/70087 Recognition of the non-profit status by the tax office for corporations in Berlin, current notification of May 25th, 2022 Supervisory authority: district court Berlin Charlottenburg Account details: GLS bank IBAN DE93430609671279967300 BIC GENODEM1GLS skyminds is a registered trademark German Patent and Trademark Office No. 30 2022 201 741 Disclaimer: Liability for content The content of this website was created with the greatest care. For the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content we assume no liability. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages according to Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected. A liability in this regard, however, is only from the time of knowledge concrete infringement possible. As soon as we become aware of any violations of the law, we will remove this content immediately. Liability for links Our offer may contain links to external third-party websites, the content of which we have no influence on. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for this external content. The respective provider or operator of the respective website is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. A permanent control of the content of the linked websites is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such links immediately.

  • Imprint | skyminds

    imprint According to § 5 TMG skyminds eV Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte Greifswalder Strasse 4 10405 Berlin Contact: Telephone: +49 (0)30 20003671 Email: Executive Board: Carlos Wiedeman Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Carlos Wiedeman Register entry: Entry at the Berlin Register Court Registration number: VR 39632 B 1 Tax number: 27/677/70087 Recognition of the non-profit status by the tax office for corporations in Berlin, current notification of May 25th, 2022 Supervisory authority: district court Berlin Charlottenburg Account details: GLS bank IBAN DE93430609671279967300 BIC GENODEM1GLS skyminds is a registered trademark German Patent and Trademark Office No. 30 2022 201 741 Disclaimer: Liability for content The content of this website was created with the greatest care. For the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content we assume no liability. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages according to Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected. A liability in this regard, however, is only from the time of knowledge concrete infringement possible. As soon as we become aware of any violations of the law, we will remove this content immediately. Liability for links Our offer may contain links to external third-party websites, the content of which we have no influence on. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for this external content. The respective provider or operator of the respective website is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. A permanent control of the content of the linked websites is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such links immediately.

  • Spenden | skyminds

    Thank you for your support! You would like to support our work? Thank you! ​ Account details: GLS bank IBAN DE 9343 0609 6712 79967 300 BIC GENODEM1GLS skyminds eV is a non-profit association and is authorized to issue donation receipts. You can also send your donation via PayPal . ​ ​ Or use the service with this form. skyminds protect & strengthen mental health

  • Presse | skyminds

    Pressemitteilungen Hier finden Sie unsere Pressemitteilungen. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen für weitere Informationen und Interviews zur Verfügung. Kontakt: info (at) +49 (0)30 20003671 1 Vom Wellness - zum Sicherheitsfaktor: Mentale Gesundheit in Organisationen. 2 skyminds e.V. und Deutsches Rotes Kreuz schließen Joint Venture zu Psychologischer Erster Hilfe .

  • Ambulanz | skyminds

    > KONTAKT skyminds AMBULANZ For healthy companies and organizations: Psychological First Aid for people in acute crisis situations. Psychological First Aid is the first respondse and support for psychological injuries and helps to stay psychologically (= mentally, spiritually) healthy after stressful experiences. Similar to physical injuries, the first response decides on the consequences and chances of recovery in the case of psychological injuries. ​ Psychological First Aid can prevent or reduce stress and trauma disorders such as mental illnesses and disorders, including depression, alcohol addiction, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders, as well as social and professional consequences of exceptional situations. . The skyminds AMBULANZ team works on the basis of the CISM model. Critical Incident Stress Management is an internationally recognized method for the prevention of stress and trauma disorders, which is requested by the United Nations if necessary. ​ In addition to the advice offered by skyminds AMBULANZ, skyminds trains first aiders in companies and organizations. ​ ​ >>> Psychological First Aid Audio (4:30) ​ How skyminds AMBULANZ works: Crises and exceptional events are part of every life. It's good to have an experienced contact at your side. We support people in organizations and companies in acute crisis situations. For companies & organizations. For companies and organizations we offer consulting contingents of different sizes. The employee contacts skyminds AMBULANZ by phone or email. The consultation appointment takes place within a maximum of 24 hours. Important: The consultation is given anonymously. For information and controling our clients get a monthly overview including prevalence, no names, no subjects. Experience & Evidence-based In acute crisis situations, we provide support with Psychological First Aid. The aim of the consultation is to stabilize the client and thus avoid stress and trauma disorders. We work evidence-based on the basis of the CISM model, in which our consultants are trained and experienced with regular supervision. All counselors have a psychological and/or medical background. We do not offer psychotherapy. Crisis intervention can, if necessary, take place to accompany and support therapy. Ambulanz Kontakt How to reach skyminds AMBULANZ: Before any cooperation, we will discuss your ideas, needs and expectations in person. Would you like to make an appointment for an initial consultation - or do you have any questions in advance? Write to ambulanz (at) or Give us a call. ​

  • #skymindsfragen | skyminds

    #skymindsquestions Mental Health Questions & Answers. What would you like to know about the exciting field of mental health? You ask - we answer. Write us an Feel free to browse the published answers as well! (Please note: we do not answer questions about personal topics, thanks!) "Why is mental health often more sweaty than physical fitness?" Two factors often play a decisive role here: 1. Motivation - you can't see it... Mental health including mental resilience,resilience, can be concealed quite well over long distances. Not a healthy, rarely a smart strategy. 2. Counter-intuitive behavior - different from what you think. Movement is our nature. It is only recently that we humans sit more than we walk, but what we have learned can be unlearned. What is needed is staying power, patience, discipline, you name it. The situation is different with the fitness of mental health: also fight-flight-freeze#Stress Responses are in our blood like the urge to move (and are closely related, btw) but are usually extremely unhelpful for dealing well with the challenges of the 21st century. In order to develop a healthy stress profile and to strengthen and protect mental health, we therefore train counterintuitive behavior: impulse control, relaxation after tension, making good decisions under pressure and uncertainty. Wake up serenity.... simple, not easy ;) What is trauma? "Trauma" as a term comes from the Greek and means wound. Surgeons use it to refer to physical injuries. In psychotraumatology, the term describes mental injuries and their consequences. Traumatizing experiences that can lead to mental injuries overwhelm the mental protective mechanisms of those affected. Too much, too quickly, too suddenly - whenever an event, even experienced as a witness, overwhelms a person's receptivity, we speak of a traumatic event. Experiences of this kind lead to a mental shock because they are outside normal human experiences and are often associated with fear of death, helplessness, horror and the feeling of being at the mercy of others. Such experiences can be serious accidents, illnesses and natural disasters, but also considerable psychological, physical and sexual violence as well as severe experiences of loss and neglect. "Trauma isn't what happens to you, it's what you experience." Does mental health mean something different than mental health? No, "mental", "psychic" and "emotional" are used synonymously in the context of mental health. In other language areas than German, "mental" has prevailed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is defined as follows: //Mental (also mental, spiritual) health is a state of well-being in which a person is able to fulfill their abilities, cope with normal life pressures, work productively and contribute to their community. // So it's about quality of life, productivity and social participation. Definition WHO What is meant by "trauma consequences"? We distinguish between short-term and long-term consequences of trauma. Short-term consequences of trauma are normal reactions to an abnormal event. These can include: irregular sleep patterns, more/less appetite, irritability, aggression, inner restlessness, strong need for retreat, nightmares. These reactions help the body to heal itself and process what has happened and, under favorable circumstances, usually subside after about 7 days. Long-term trauma consequences, then trauma-related disorders, occur when the event cannot or cannot yet be processed, which can include symptoms such as depression, anxiety disorders, alcoholism, drug abuse. The aforementioned consequences are generally viewed negatively, but there are also positive trauma consequences,Post-traumatic growth, Post-traumatic growth. "How do I actually know if I'm mentally healthy?" A lot of people are asking themselves that at the moment. Counter-question: How do you know that - or whether - you are physically healthy? It doesn't hurt, you don't feel restricted. Pain is often a signal "Something's wrong, attention, attention please!". Other symptoms such as a runny nose or indigestion can indicate that the body is in repair mode. We have learned to interpret these messages. Unlike the signals of the neurological network. Emotions can be important messengers here. be. Two examples. Fear - the information "Looks like danger might be imminent, stay alert." Depressed mood, irritability or lack of concentration - the information "There is too much going on here, too much information to process." Anyone who has learned to recognize emotions and read them regularly can react earlier and take better care of themselves. Our also provides orientation for the classification of your own mental health.Self-Test for Resilience - mental resilience, which is a marker for mental health, analogous to our immune system for physical health. There are also instructions for self-assessmentWorld Health Organization (WHO) definition of mental health: How Do you find it easy or difficult to do everyday tasks on a normal day? "What is Post-Traumatic Growth?" Msome people succeed to grow personally in processing and integration regardless of the type and severity of a traumatizing event. These people describe their lives as more fulfilled and themselves as happier and stronger than before the event or events and often find meaning in this event in their biography.PTG - Post-traumatic Growth.- is therefore what we consider positivetrauma consequences can designate. According to studies, stable personal resilience and the application of psychological first (self-) help in case of an emergency support the development of post-traumatic growth. PTG Traumafolgen You ask - we answer! Send us your question about mental health. Please note that we cannot answer any personal questions at this point. #skymindsquestions

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